Enjoy Seamless Events Management on EzyCourse

Schedule, customize, and host events effortlessly. Whether virtual or in-person, paid or free, EzyCourse puts the power of event creation and management in your hands. Maximize engagement with flexible options and seamless registration control.

ezycourse - Events


Schedule and manage events directly from your dashboard. Now on EzyCourse, you can control exactly how your events work from limiting registrations to setting prices.

Create Events on EzyCourse

With EzyCourse, you have the luxury of making events right from your dashboard. It's super easy and takes no time to create. And with flexible scheduling options, you can set them up however you like to fit your needs.

Organize In-Person or Virtual Events

Reach a global audience with virtual events or create an opportunity to connect your audience face-to-face with the in-person event option. Regardless of which one you prefer, EzyCourse has all sides covered.

Create Events on EzyCourse
Make Events Free or Paid

Make Events Free or Paid

Add an extra layer of earning options on your platform. EzyCourse lets you create paid events with full control to assign the price you want. Or, you can make it accessible to all with free events. It's yours to decide.

Add Multiple Hosts

Host an event all by yourself or add multiple hosts to take charge of the event. EzyCourse lets you add as many hosts as you like. So, collaborate seamlessly with others and create an event that leaves a lasting impression on the audience.

Single or Multi-Day Event

Tailor events’ duration to match your outcome in mind. Choose between single-day events for quick and focused experiences, or multi-day events for immersive and in-depth engagement.

Customize Event Details & Registration

Provide attendees with comprehensive event information from selecting date-time to giving useful descriptions about the event. In addition, you can also limit the number of registrations so that you know the exact number to arrange the event for.

Add Multiple Hosts