Magic Checkout

More Conversions With Magic Checkout!

EzyCourse offers a conversion-driven checkout feature. Get real-time insights on user responses, capture leads, and convert them with a smooth checkout process!

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Magic Checkout for Magical Conversions

Get all data at a glance from EzyCourse Magic Checkout Stats! Boost sales with the smooth checkout process.

Track Every User Activity on Checkout Pages!

Track your user's activity on the checkout page. Get notified when users enter your checkout page. You will also know if checkout has failed. These data will help you to turn leads into conversions.

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Smooth Checkout Process

EzyCourse Magic Checkout makes the whole mechanism hassle-free! No page transition, so let your users finish the checkout process within a moment.

Automatically Detects User Account

The feature also automatically detects whether the user has an account. If no account exists then it lets users create a new account on the checkout page without juggling between different pages.

Don’t Lose New Users

With Magic Checkout, you get all real-time data. That’s great for you because you not only get to keep the user on the checkout page but also have a new user on your platform. And that’s a win even if they back out from completing the checkout.

Customizable Checkout

You can customize your checkout page with advanced CSS. Give a personal touch to your checkout page with colors, logos, and brand settings to match your brand.

Branded Mobile App to Offer Learning On the Go

You can create an engaging mobile learning app. The EzyCourse app provides an interactive and entertaining learning experience.

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