Break Language Barriers with Fully-Fledged Multi-lingual Website

Ready to redefine accessibility? EzyCourse introduces the Multi-language translation feature, propelling your platform beyond boundaries. With over 170+ languages at your fingertips, language barriers go out the window making your site reach a global audience.

ezycourse - Multi-lingual Support

Multi-lingual Support

Break language barriers and take your platform beyond borders with the Multi-language translation feature!

Multi-lingual Support

Now with EzyCourse, you can add translations of more than 70 languages giving more exposure to your platform. When multi-language feature is in flow, your users can simply toggle between the set languages and see things how they understand best.

The Mult-lingual feature is available to use on any part of your website from header menu to everything visible on the page. And with EzyCourse builder widgets, adding translations is fun and easy to achieve for anyone.

It's a massive plus for your platform and on EzyCourse, you get free access to the feature!