How to Start Blogging Using EzyCourse | The Complete Guide for Beginners

How to Start Blogging Using EzyCourse | The Complete Guide for Beginners

Do you want to start a blog but aren’t sure how to get started?

Blogging can be a great way to share your thoughts, build an audience, and even make money.

The best thing is that EzyCourse isn’t just about courses. It also has great blogging features that can help you promote your ideas, interact with your community, and grow your online presence.

EzyCourse lets its users create their own blogs easily and quickly. There is a lot of flexibility in customizing your blog as you want.

Today, we will show you a step-by-step on how to start blogging with EzyCourse. We will also share how you can monetize your blog with eight proven ways and rank your content #1 on Google using SEO best practices.

We are sure you don't want to miss this guide, so let's start from here.

What is Blogging

You probably already know the basics of blogging. Some people say blogging is all about writing what you know and sharing your thoughts with others.

Others believe it can also include photography, video content, or even art, which is true.

Well, people know a lot! But what do blogging authors say about its definition?

According to many authors, blogging is a way to describe yourself online by regularly updating a website with posts or articles. It's a platform where people can connect with others and share their amazing voices.

Blogging is a wonderful thing, right? You don’t need a degree or any special training to start blogging. All you need is a passion for sharing our ideas and creativity!

However, blogging is like a whole universe. Its depth is vast, and you might even get lost trying to learn everything about it.

Back in 1994, a student named Justin Hall from Swarthmore College created the very first blog which is called

Since that little start, blogging has now countless forms, styles, and niches. Such as:

  • Personal Blogs

  • Business Blogs

  • Affiliate Blogs

  • Travel Blogs

  • Food Blogs

  • Fashion Blogs

  • Parenting Blogs

Etc, etc. However, before you choose any of these types, there are some important factors you need to consider. Let's now talk about what to consider before starting your blogging journey.

What to Consider Before Starting A Blog

Whatever we try to do, the first thing we always consider is profit. This is especially necessary for business-minded individuals. We have to minimize risk, loss, and anything that could harm our business.

We know you will agree with us. That's exactly what we mean in this section. So, here’s what to consider before you start blogging:

  1. Blogging is not a short-term game: Around 70 million new posts are published on WordPress each month. Kind of OMG! Also, there are over 31 million active bloggers in the United States posting at least once a month. However, 50% of bloggers struggle to find time and attract visitors. (Source: Ahrefs)

    Wait! We’re not trying to scare you! We just want to share the facts so you can see that blogging requires a long-term commitment. You have to stick with it to succeed.

  2. Consistency is much needed: Consistency is what truly makes a difference in blogging. We know about the growing competition that beginners can't even imagine.
    Often, people can’t keep blogging because they lose track of "consistency." 

    You need to post on a regular basis to maintain momentum with your visitors or audience. To keep the momentum, you need to have a content management system.

  3. Research skills can take you to the top: Online success is all about researching, finding opportunities, and hitting that golden button. There are many types of blogging, niches, and sub-niches.

    You have to discover the niche where it will be easy to stand out so people notice you. This could be through your content, your niche-specific skills, or showcasing your expertise.

  4. Blogging takes a lot of effort: One of the biggest challenges bloggers face is finding time for blogging activities. In fact, 52% of bloggers share this concern. Don’t have time for blogging? That’s okay!

    You might have money to invest in hiring a freelancer for blogging tasks. But this wouldn’t be the ideal start. You need to balance everything - your time, money, resources, and more.

  5. Quality content is your asset: Want to know what factor one should focus on the most? Here it is: "quality" content.

These are just five factors to consider before starting a blog. But what matters the most is your skills, and that's what we will discuss in the next section.

What Skills Does Blogging Require?

What do you want to see when starting your blog? Your success factor could be getting sales, selling courses, driving much traffic, creating a fan base, etc. But how do you achieve any of these? By having skills!

If you have the skills we mention below, congratulations! You are already ahead of many bloggers. These are:

Good Content Writing Skills: We’re here to guide you on how to start blogging. Without strong writing skills, you’ll end up wasting your time. But the good news is that writing is easier than you think.

Right now, you’re reading our writing. What’s motivating you to start blogging? Maybe it’s our great content. That’s how good writing works.

Don’t stress! All you need to do is pick a topic, research it on Google and social media, and then start sharing your thoughts using the words you already know or have learned.

Research Skills: We mentioned that writing skills are crucial. Did you catch that research skills are just as important? We already touched on this in the previous section about considerations. Can you realize now that researching is a big part of blogging which most of the new bloggers overlook?

Basic SEO Knowledge: Here’s a tough truth: around 96.55% of content doesn’t get any traffic from Google. Less than 1% of people will click on the second page of Google results. This means that 99% of folks are only checking out the content that ranks on the first page.

So, we definitely need at least a basic understanding of Search Engine Optimization, right? Absolutely! That's why later on, we’ll show you how to optimize your blog to rank higher on Google.

Creativity: Creativity allows you to work smarter, not harder. Creative individuals think independently and come up with innovative solutions to problems. This helps us build strategies for marketing, new content planning, or social media outreach that others might overlook.

Time Management: Time management is another important skill to have for blogging. You need to balance your blog with your other responsibilities. Otherwise, you will just mess it all up.

You really need to set aside specific times for writing, researching, and promoting your posts. Break your tasks into smaller steps to avoid feeling overwhelmed, and remember that every little effort and hard work moves you closer to your goals.

And what's our today's goal? Learning how to start blogging with EzyCourse and that's what we will show you next.

How to Start Blogging Using EzyCourse | The Complete Guide for Beginners

Now here comes the most awaited part. Are you ready to start your blogging journey with EzyCourse?

EzyCourse is a growing platform for small businesses and big entrepreneurs alike. It’s packed with everything you need to create courses from scratch and manage your community.

And blogging? Yep, it’s super easy with EzyCourse. You can share your ideas and content without any hassle, right from the platform.

Just follow our simple GET-SET-GO steps, and you'll be ready to start sharing your thoughts in no time:

Part 1: Setting Up Your Workspace

It's good to mention that if you've already built a website for your services, courses, or products on EzyCourse, you can start from Part 2. This part is specifically for those who are new and haven’t run any site on EzyCourse before.

However, before starting your blog, the first thing we need to do is set up our workspace. And for this starting point, we just need to follow 3 simple steps, which are actually super easy if you start doing with us right away. Those 3 steps are:

Step 1: Niche Selection And Naming Your Blog

So, why do you want to start blogging? Are you already a course creator, looking to start a good blog for your existing audience? Or maybe you want to use blogging to drive traffic and then think about monetizing that traffic?

Whatever the reason, choosing a profitable blog niche is important because everything else, like planning and content marketing, will depend on it. But if you already have a brand, you can jump straight to the second step.

For those struggling with niche selection, you can check out the ideas shown in the image. Here’s how to generate blog niche ideas:

Step 2: Buy Domain

The next step is buying your desired domain. A domain is your website's unique name. This name will act like a digital address where people can easily find you online.

To choose a good domain name:

  • Keep it short

  • Easy to recognize, and

  • Closely related to your brand or content.

But here’s the problem, you can’t just buy any domain you like. You first have to check if the domain name you want is available. To do that, go here: Domain Name Generator.

Type your desired blog name in the search box, and on the left, you’ll see if the domain is available.

The cool part is you’ll also get some suggestions that are similar to the name you want, and those might be available too.

Now, once you've found an available domain, head over to Namecheap or GoDaddy to purchase it. And that’s it. You’ve got your domain! Let’s move on to the next step.

Step 3: Connect with EzyCourse

This step might seem a little bit complicated at first. But trust us, once you successfully connect your domain with EzyCourse for the first time, you'll feel great. No need to stress! If you face any issues, just reach out to our support team. We'll guide you through it.

However, we don’t think this simple step will take much of your time. In this tutorial, we’ve shown a step-by-step process on how to connect your custom domain with EzyCourse.

We understand that beginners might not want to take risks. So, if you're not ready to buy a custom domain right away, it’s completely fine.

You can still run your entire blog with a free domain name by going to site settings and choosing a site name for your blog and address. 

That’s it, you’re 100% ready to go!

Oh, we’ve finally completed the "GET" part. Now, it’s time to move on to the "SET" part, right? Let’s get it done!

Part 2: Design Your Blog

When you start your blogging career, the first thing people will notice when they land on your site is its design. They will look at the structure. Then they'll see what’s available, check how easy it is to navigate, and how smoothly they can visit different blog pages on your website.

So, don’t take this step lightly. Pay attention to every detail in this process because it’s really important!

Step 4: Planning for Your Blog Success

Although we've covered some planning in Part 1, now it's time to properly plan the design and structure of your site.

For example, think about what should go in your blog section and what can be left out. Grab a pen and paper and jot down what will make your blog informative. Will all of your blog content be available for free, or will only premium members have access?

Would visitors be more interested in purchasing a subscription plan, or would a one-time payment system work better for you to generate income?

We recommend starting with some free resources and blog content to attract visitors. Once traffic builds up, you can introduce them to the premium plan. Either way, having a clear plan is super important!

Step 5: Create Your Important Pages and Blog Categories

EzyCourse is a no-code platform, meaning you can create an amazing website in just minutes using a simple drag-and-drop system.

At this stage, you only need to create your blog categories. How do you do that? First, create one or more categories for your content calendar. Here's a step-by-step tutorial on how to create blog categories.

Categories are essential for every blog, not just for organizing content but also for SEO.

For example, if your blogging niche is community-related, some category ideas could be:

  • Community Building Tips

  • Art Community

  • Brand Community

  • Community Culture

Step 6: Design Your Site With Our Simple Drag and Drop Solution:

Now, you'll want your site to look great. A well-designed website is always a plus. Simply head to your EzyCourse dashboard.

On the left side, you’ll see an option for the website builder, which offers several more options like Pages, Menus, Color Scheme, Custom CSS, Global JS Code, Global JS Script, Font Settings, and Language Settings.

Each option is crucial. Even if you don’t have any coding knowledge, you can still design a stunning site by choosing from over 250+ pre-built templates.

Step 7: Editing Made Easy With EzyCourse

This is the most fun part of starting a blog on EzyCourse! Now, all you need to do is edit the sections to match your brand. From text to colors, you can easily customize everything.

A Few Professional Design Ideas:

You might now want some professional blog design inspiration, blog themes, or templates, and we have a lot for you. Here are a few examples of what’s possible with the EzyCourse platform to give you some ideas for your own site.

Click here to see all our ready-made template collections for blogs, agencies, business and marketing, and many more: Templates.

Example site 1: Coach Training Campus

Coach Training Campus has a clean and professional design perfect for educators.

Example site 2: Light Up Literature

Light Up Literature is a beautifully designed blog site dedicated to readers and writers.

Example site 3: Impactful Today

This one focuses especially on personal growth and motivation.

Part 3: Write and Publish Your Blog

We’ve successfully completed the Get and Set parts, so now we’re all set and ready to go! The first two parts were a one-time process, so there was no need to stress about them anymore. However, this third part is crucial because every time you publish a blog, you’ll follow the same steps.

Let’s break down the steps for this part:

Step 8: Topic Selection (Finding Your Focus)

We’ve already chosen our niche, right? Now it’s time to narrow it down and pick a smaller, more specific topic to focus on for your content.

For example, if your niche is Course Marketing, here are a few specific content ideas you could write about:

  • How to Create a Marketing Plan for Your First Online Course

  • Best Social Media Strategies for Selling Your Course

  • Email Marketing Campaigns That Actually Sell Your Courses

But before you finalize your topic, keep a few things in mind. What’s the competition like for this topic? How well do you understand it? How can you write a better article than others on the same topic? And of course, don’t forget about keyword research.

Step 9: Writing Your First Blog & Drafting It

We have our topic now, so it’s time to start writing the best blog possible. What’s the topic you’ve chosen? Are you here to do money blogging? Based on whatever you choose, let’s do a short analysis.

By analysis, we mean finding out what others have written on the same topic. Then try to identify what they’ve missed, and figure out how you can create something even better.

Although nobody learns content writing in a day, the key is to keep writing, practicing, and learning. One day, you’ll be amazed at your own progress.

Here are the basic steps of content writing:

  • Thoroughly research your topic from whatever reliable sources you can find.

  • Create an outline (Start with an introduction, cover the basic knowledge related to your topic, dedicate a section to the main subject, include FAQs, and end with a conclusion)

  • Write according to the outline.

  • Add infographics and visuals where necessary to support your points.

  • Never copy someone else’s content.

  • Properly implement SEO best practices to help your blog rank better.

Once your content is written, it’s time to draft it. Here's how you can do it on EzyCourse:

Head over to your EzyCourse dashboard. Click on "Blog" from the left menu, then select "Blog Posts." After that, hit the "Create" button in the top-right corner.

You’ll see a beautiful new interface. Now follow these steps:

  • Enter your blog’s title.

  • Want your new readers to leave comments? Check the "Allow users to comment" box.

  • You can also display the published date by selecting "Show Published Date."

  • On the right side, there's a section for adding your meta description under "Short Description."

  • Choose your blog status: Publish now, save as Draft, or Schedule for later. (It’s entirely up to you.)

  • Select a category, set your pricing (if needed), and fill in the SEO information.

Once you’ve completed these steps, your blog is ready to be published. But wait! Just one more step left. Here’s the example of EzyCourse blog editor and can you guess which blog we are drafting here? Here’s the draft of this blog 👇

Step 10: Optimizing Your Blog for Search Engines

Your blog is already written, so we need to make sure it’s optimized for search engines now like Google Search, right? Next to Blog Information, you’ll find the SEO Information section.

Here’s what to focus on:

  • Use your content title in the Title box.

  • Write a strong meta description of less than 160 characters long to attract readers.

  • Upload a Social image so that when your blog is shared on social media, it appears with a visual like a thumbnail.

  • You have to make sure your blog is easy to read. Use clear headings and do proper internal linking.

  • The next thing to check out is using short paragraphs, bullet points, and images like we did to make our content more reader-friendly and SEO-friendly.

Step 11: Publishing Your Blog

Now it’s time to publish your blog. Before you hit Create, do a quick final check:

  • Make sure all your links work.

  • Ensure that images load properly.

  • Double-check how the blog appears on both desktop and mobile.

Once everything looks good, go ahead and click Publish. Oh, finally you did it. Your blog is now live!

Step 12: Tracking with Analytics

Publishing your blog is just the beginning. Now you need to track its performance using analytics. Whether it’s through Google Analytics or EzyCourse’s built-in real-time analytics, keep an eye on key metrics like page views, bounce rate, and average visitor's time spent.

That’s the entire process for how to start blogging with EzyCourse. But remember, just posting your blog isn’t enough. You need to promote it as well. That’s where our next section will help you!

Promoting Your Blog: Easy Ways to Get More Readers

Let us first tell you why promoting your blog is essential. Every day, around 3.2 million new blog posts are published globally. That’s a huge number!

This stat means you’re competing with tons of content daily. And like we said before, most people rarely click on the second page of search results.

It means we have to promote, promote, and promote a lot, no matter in what ways we do it. Here are some simple and effective ways to get your blog seen by more people:

  1. Social Media: Experts like Neil Patel use social networks to share a sneak peek of their blog posts. Neil shares a small part of his content on free blogging platforms like LinkedIn to make people curious enough to click through and read the full post.

    Smart, right? You can do the same by posting a short video or image that relates to your successful blog topic. Remember, short-form video content can convert users.

  2. Email: If you have an email address list (or are building one), send your blog posts directly to your subscribers. Keep the email informative, personalized, and brief with a link to the full blog post, and watch your readership grow.

  3. Live Streams: Hosting a webinar or live stream about a topic related to your blog is a simple way to engage people. And you don’t need a second blogging platform to do that. You can do it right within EzyCourse.

    EzyCourse has built-in Zoom integration and features like 'Live Streams,' 'Events,' and 'Meetings.' Share your blog link for more details at the end of the live stream.

  4. Collaborate With Influencers and Bloggers: You might see some bloggers and influencers post something on social media and get tons of comments and likes in minutes. They are well-known personalities. Reach out to them and offer collaboration.

  5. Guest Posting Technique: Write a guest post that's popular in your niche. In exchange, they might let you add a link to your own blog. It’s a win-win! You get exposure, and they get new content.

Can you imagine the possibilities? These are just 5 ways to promote your blog. There are even more ways! But we’re not just blogging for traffic. We need to monetize it too. Let's find out how.

How To Monetize A Blog In 8 Easy Ways

You might not have many visitors right now since you’re just starting, but that doesn’t mean you can’t hit 10,000 visitors in the next three months.

So, why not plan on how to monetize your blog? Doing so helps you create content with a clear strategy in mind. Let’s find out some proven monetization methods that many successful bloggers use:

Offer Online Courses for Beginners

One of the best and easiest ways to monetize a blog website is by selling online courses. Saying easy because you don’t even need advanced skills to create courses. You’re blogging, text-based, right? Now, teach people how you’re doing this using EzyCourse.

Affiliate Programs

Experts predict affiliate marketing will rise at an annual rate of 7.7% between 2024 and 2030. Why not take advantage of this opportunity?

You can earn a good amount of commissions by promoting relevant products or services to your target audience. Just put your affiliate links within the first blog posts, and don't need any further changes. It’s a common way to generate passive income from your personal blog.

Sell Digital Products

You may know what digital products are, but did you know you can use your personal blog to sell your own or other's digital products? These products can be a helpful addition to the content you already share.

If you need help, check out our step-by-step guide on how to start selling digital products online.

Membership Site

By 2024, the subscription and membership market is predicted to be worth over $3 trillion. You can easily create a membership site using EzyCourse.

Then, offer premium blog posts, exclusive tutorials, or even one-on-one coaching for your paying members. Check out our guide on the 10 Best Successful Membership Site Business Models for inspiration.

Create And Earn From Your Email List

Growing an email list is one of the most versatile ways to earn from your blog. First, build a list of engaged subscribers, then promote services, courses, or digital products directly to them. It also works perfectly in combination with other strategies on this list.

Offer Professional Services Related to Your Blog

If your blog is focused on a specific area, why not offer services related to that topic? It could be a good idea. Your blog can be the perfect place to connect with potential clients.

Run Third-Party Ads

The next one we have on our list of blog monetization ideas is running third-party ads. Platforms like Google AdSense,, or Ezoic can automatically display relevant ads on your site based on your content and audience.

Create an account on any of these media, get eligible for running ads on your site, and approve your account.

Turn Your Blog Into Premium Content

This might just be your favorite monetization option. EzyCourse allows its users to easily monetize individual blog posts. By selecting the premium option before publishing, you can ensure that only paying or authorized readers will have access to your content.

We think it’s a powerful way to make any blog exclusive and premium. 

Here’s how you can monetize your blogs with EzyCourse 👇

  1. Set the pricing type. Make it premium.

  2. Then, set your pricing amount.

  3. You can also set the blog accessibility duration as you want.

  1. You can also write a teaser text for your premium blogs in EzyCourse.

Benefits Of Using EzyCourse Over WordPress

When it comes to choosing a blog platform, we’ve seen many people stress a lot. You might be feeling unsure about whether to choose EzyCourse over WordPress as your blogging platform.

Well, If you're looking for a platform with good customization options that don’t charge extra for templates or themes, consider other options besides WordPress.

We’re not saying EzyCourse is necessarily better than WordPress. But EzyCourse is a complete suite where you can build a community, run courses, and manage everything from monetization to SEO, all in one place.

Here are some benefits of using EzyCourse over a self-hosted WordPress blog:

  • It offers free templates that are much more attractive than free WordPress themes.

  • Create a website using a simple drag-and-drop feature.

  • There’s no need to spend money on various plugins.

  • EzyCourse provides free web hosting along with other marketing tools like email marketing and mobile apps.

  • The biggest advantage of EzyCourse is its cost-effectiveness.

  • You don’t have to deal with the technical hassle of plugins like Yoast SEO WordPress plugin for optimization.

  • Payment integration is built into EzyCourse.

  • With WordPress site, you need to regularly monitor and maintain your site, which isn’t the case with EzyCourse.

  • You also don’t need third-party plugins for security like in WordPress. EzyCourse ensures advanced security for all its users.

So, ultimately, what we’re trying to highlight here is that it’s absolutely okay to choose EzyCourse over WordPress. 

Right now, you need something beginner-friendly like EzyCourse to get started.

Ready To Start Your Blogging Journey With EzyCourse?

Blogging is an amazing online opportunity that anyone can jump into. Soon, you’ll find yourself thinking, “Wow, I can actually blog!”

Now, you know how to start blogging with EzyCourse. Nothing can stop you now, as this guide covers everything.

Do you think we missed something? You can start your blog with EzyCourse right now and let us know what we’ve overlooked. So, why not do us this favor and start exploring?

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