Create free or premium private chats
Help your students in a one-to-one chat and get paid for it. Set pricing however you like. Apart from communities and group chats, EzyCourse also features real-time, one-to-one conversations. Share photos, videos, files, and links, or express your thoughts with emojis or GIFs directly. Creators can add these as upsells or stand-alone products and multiply their revenue.

Private chat
Help your students in a one-to-one chat and get paid for it. Set pricing however you like.
Apart from communities and group chats, EzyCourse also features real-time, one-to-one conversations. Share photos, videos, files, links, or express your thoughts with emojis or GIFs directly. Creators can add these as upsells or stand-alone products and multiply their revenue.

Make free or premium private chats
Turn your time into a revenue source by offering premium private chats! Offer private chats as stand-alone products or offer them as an add-on to any courses/bundle courses/products.
Real-time messaging and push notifications
Don't miss any activities! Keep your conversations lively with real-time incoming/outgoing messages and drive attention using push notifications.