Create unlimited video galleries with ease.

Make money by selling your video collections. With EzyCourse’s video gallery builder capabilities expand your revenue generation possibilities.

ezycourse - increase revenue

Video Gallery

Our brains love videos, keeping this in mind we at EzyCourse give you the power to build a YouTube/Vimeo robust, searchable, and SEO-friendly video gallery in no time.

With EzyCourse’s video gallery system, build awesome video galleries without having to write a single line of code. Create scalable, searchable, and SEO-friendly video galleries in a matter of minutes.


Create unlimited video galleries(video collections)

Add category to galleries

Organize your video galleries by categorizing them.


Make your gallery free or paid(One time/Subscription)

Set pricing from a dynamic pricing option list. Choose if you want to give off starter collections for free, or keep all of them paid. You can also set up a recurring revenue generation system by offering your content on a subscription basis. Just define your subscription timeline, weekly or monthly or yearly, set pricing and simply save.

Add uploaded, YouTube/Vimeo videos to your gallery.

Upload new videos to EzyCourse directly, we handle the video hosting and storage for you, or you can upload your existing videos from other platforms such as YouTube or Vimeo. Create and edit videos just as you like in your gallery. Set thumbnails, change categories and you also get the ability to change the video URL’s slug to your preferences.


Built-in SEO support

Get an SEO friendly unique video URL without having to do the SEO-stuff manually

Search and filter with category through the video gallery

Search and filter videos through your gallery conveniently. For those of you who have lots of videos, this will help you identify your videos easily.


Save videos for future

Give your audience the option to save videos for later, so that they are reminded to watch those some time later.

Comment and/or reply to comments on your videos

Start up discussions right under your video, comment and reply to comments in videos.